Friday, March 4, 2011

Blue ocean vs Green Ocean - Part 2

The Green Ocean Marketing Strategies - Part 2
Company do have blind spot like our car rear mirror, information seems unable to flow to top as it should, even with complex matrix reporting system we still need to turn our head and face the real world.

Ironically many CEO’s still believe in transparency when there are so many layer of man fabricated scenario. Sitting up there and toying around with CRM system, they still belief it is the moment of truth in fact it is still falling far behind, as the illusionist (someone) in the middle still able to keep the dark spot look white.

The existing of Blind spot in many companies are due to human factors, how would you like your superior to know the truth when the truth are not suppose to tell?
Don’t get me wrong I am not trying to articulate untrusting culture here but rather into promoting constructive measurement on management.
History has thought many of us that never built hope on “One Person Trust”, so do organisation future. (Learn from what happen to one of the oldest bank, Barings, RIP 1762-1995)

Moving away from the management system of old school boy, we combine “High Touch” & “High Tech” together thus the collective decision making culture should be employ during any decision making. How could one man know all culture still being practices as it is no longer viable in today?

The Macro & Micro environmental factors have long been metaphor into alien landscape where we are moving into “real time” world now. The past year data reading formulation technique have long been obsolete. Stop using past year data to formulate this year strategies as your competitors did not run their business by book.

The “Think Tank” will be no use if their overly claim solution are always bond with politically right statement and look good culture. Allow people to say No and Critic in the operational committee meeting. Let go confusing KPI or Balance score card, its’ have many a time shutting CEO brain to...
(To be continued...)

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