Monday, March 9, 2009

“Design me a chair.”

Lecturer : “Design me a chair.”


Lecturer: “Design me something, that I can sit on it.”

Both requests direct students to design a new piece of furniture (chair) but the way it is being articulated will define different outcome where one will set theirs' minds free or vice versa.

What if your lecturers’ choose to request in the former way?

Will you able jump out of the box?

It is the students or lecturers duties?

Asking this question just like asking the chickens or eggs first?

Note to the lecturers; please be cautious, when dealing with young and untrained mind.

Note to the students; please be alert not to fall into the box of given problem itself.

Student: “Mr. Martin, What to do then?

Mr Martin: “Here is your answer... first find out the key issue of the problem, remember the problem or new need in "Surface" may not always the actual main problem.
" Communication do consist illusion & bias."

It is amazing to know that many people wasted lots of time and resources in answering the wrong problems.

How could that be? Yes, we jump into conclusion by not looking clearly on the main issue of the problem, because we want to be fast, sharp and effective.

“Experiences” do lies, yes clinging to our past experiences and addressing all problems from there is a very dangerous move.

Look around us; many people do the same thing over and over again by expecting the different result. It is only too late to find out, we are on the losing side.

Going back to the quoted example above, how should we define the issue?

1) Listening is a way of gathering information not decision.

2) Always practice counter argument within yourself on the issue you tackle. Why there is a need on the first place? What is the root of the issue?

3) Use 5W1H

4) Use the “Depth, Width & Holistic” approaches.

5) Remember an “Answer” not necessary has to direct to the given question.

6) Tell a good story (Concept), if your life is like a movies and you are the actor, how would you like it to be? Give a story to your design (the soul of design) we all love stories.

As there is no right or wrong in design, it is a matter of how effective the design in answering or tackling the issue. Always embrace your design with care and be passion, there are always room for improvement. And it is “O.K” to make mistake even the best Design can be wrong in future, all things just impermanent.

Evolve your thought so do the way you solve problem.

Any questions are welcome regarding the quoted tips above.
email to me if you want.

Best Regards,
Martin Yong

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